Today marks my second last day of working at the Xerox Research Centre of Canada (XRCC), and I must say, I am quite sad it is ending. My placement has been absolutely amazing! It was informative, eye-opening, challenging and fun.
I’ve worked on many different things here, but my main job consisted of operating a complex bit of hardware and software known as the Strobe Stand. Using image analysis software and some other neat tricks, it looks at the jetting behavior of newly developed inks at different user-set conditions. I ran a series of experiments and made a presentation that was delivered to everyone working on the project at a meeting.
There has been the occasional unpredictable day during the short while that my supervisor’s lab was under renovations, but today was pretty much as predictable as they come. I made numerous test prints for new inks on a modified printer to check how they performed on paper. These will be evaluated by a multitude of different tests to quantitatively measure many different characteristics of the ink. I also set up new printers and readied them to start a ten-day-long experiment.
This being my last full day at work, employees from the lab kindly treated me lunch. Everyone who works here is extremely approachable and knowledgeable, and always willing to answer any questions I might have.
I would like to thank Shad and XRCC for the amazing internship opportunity. Working here has given me some truly valuable insight into the field of research and what to expect in the workforce that I would not have gained anywhere else.
Nick Bandiera
Hometown: Oakville, ON