Today, I completed the second day of my internship at OPG’s Lambton Generating Station. Although I was only two days into my internship, I was already touring through every corner of the plant learning tons of new things!
I started the day with my supervisor, Steve Repergel. Together, we sat down and went through a presentation about the company, discussing different sources of fuels for electricity, and the financial aspect of the generating station among many other interesting topics. Later, I had the pleasure of meeting another employee of OPG who gave me an introductory tour around the generating station, giving me snapshots of the different processes that went on and how they all fit together. I ended up touring and learning about all four generating units at the station, the flue gas scrubbers, and even about the wild-life protection program that Lambton Generating station has set up in their vast acres behind the plant. After lunch, I got to further tour the station this time visiting the boilers and the actual turbines that generate the electricity!
With all the touring that I did today, one blog would simply not be enough to cover what I did and what I learned. However, if there was one thing that made the most impact on me today, it was the advice given to me by two employees: “There is no such thing as can’t.” and “If you do something that you’re passionate about, success will follow”. It has been quite an enriching experience working at OPG so far and I can’t wait to return back to work and learn more!
Akruti Patel
Hometown: Sarnia, ON